A monthly message from MOST Center for Global Affairs and Science Engagement (GASE) View newsletter in your browser

Newsletter Archive 中文
February 2020
MOST Center for Global Affairs and Science Engagement (GASE) , Taiwan
A Message from the Minister of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan
To promote the advancement of life sciences, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST) has taken several initiatives to provide resources to researchers in various disciplines under the life sciences umbrella. Although life science research is presumably more fundamental and mainly about the in-depth and systematic study of organisms by experiments, the research outcomes often lay a foundation for novel biotechnologies making valuable products to improve the healthcare quality of human beings. Therefore, the MOST is dedicated to funding and supporting fundamental life science research in Taiwan.

In this month’s newsletter, we are thrilled to share with you several recent research results reporting further understanding of the molecular basis of neuronal morphogenesis, the role of the primary cilium, and the evolution of bird flight. I hope you also find these reports exciting and enjoy the beauty of life science research.

Liang-Gee Chen, PhD
Ministry of Science and Technology

Research Highlights